mercoledì 18 marzo 2015

Evangeliari Manoscritti e Salteri d'Occidente-Aria di e da Chiesa Una ed Indivisa

Manuscrits de Sankt-Gallen en ligne!

Magnifique, inespéré!
Mise en ligne de plus de 60 manuscrits, pour la plupart d'avant l'An Mil, provenant de l'abbaye de Sankt-Gallen, l'abbaye "Irlandaise" de Suisse. Des merveilles vous dis-je


Psautier de Würzburg, anno 1255
Psalterium Codex 1903, folio 7r
Benediktinerstiftes, Melk, Autriche


Christ en majesté
évangéliaire de Lorsch, vers 810


Christ en majesté
évangéliaire de Godescalc, vers 762


San Luca evangelista e il suo simbolo, miniatura tratta dai Vangeli detti di sant’Agostino, fine VI secolo, Corpus Christi College Library, Cambridge 


La legatura dell'Evangeliario di Teodolinda è conservato nel Tesoro della basilica di San Giovanni Battista a Monza.

Secondo la tradizione, venne donato a Teodolinda da papa Gregorio I nel 603, come ringraziamento per l'opera di conversione della popolazione longobarda al Cristianesimo. Un'epigrafe in latino incisa sui listelli delle piastre ne ricorda il dono alla basilica di San Giovanni Battista da parte della regina.

Ne resta solo la legatura, composta da due placche in oro decorate da smalti, pietre preziose, vetrine e cammei

The manuscript of the Lindisfarne Gospels (listed as "Pinnacle of Anglo-Saxon Art") is particularly relevant to Orthodox Christians since it was produced when Britain was still an Orthodox land. For a related article, read my previous post on Ancient Manuscripts from the British Isles



Arbre de Jessé - De David à Jésus"
dernier quart du XIIe siècle
Parchemin, 175 f., 45,5 x 33 cm
Provient du couvent des capucins de la rue Saint-Honoré à Paris
BNF, Manuscrits, latin 16746, f. 7 v°-8
(Réalisée à la fin des années 1100 dans la région de Troyes en Champagne, cette grande bible doit son nom au couvent des capucins où elle a été conservée dès le17ème siècle. Elle est donc oeuvre antérieure à l'existence des Franciscains, dont les Capucins sont une branche.)


Gospels of Henry the Lion
Wolfenbuttel Cod.Guelf. 105
fol 172
christ in majesty


the Lorsch Gospels San Matteo 


Cristo Sovrano codex aureus 


Meister des Book of Lindisfarne San Matteo 

Cristo The Vespasian Psalter 


The Capua Gospel Book 1173

The Lindisfarne Gospels Saint Mark:

The Lindisfarne Gospels
lindisfarne gospels
Incipit to St. John's Gospel

The Arenberg Gospels, Late 10th cent.
(Backhouse, pl. xi)

"This magnificent Gospels is set apart from other English manuscripts of the late tenth and early eleventh centuries by its distinctive palette...There are portraits of the four Evangelists, their symbols above them...Conspicuously absent are the flamboyant frames of acanthus typical of late tenth-century Winchester work and adapted at Canterbury in the early eleventh century."
The Arenberg Gospels, Late 10th cent.
(Backhouse, pl. xi)

in dettaglio San Giovanni Evangelista
10th and 11th Century Clothing in England: A Portfolio of Images The Benedictional of St. Æthelwold 970 


From the Book of Kells, folio 27v - "Evangelical Symbols"


Crucifixion, Weingarten Gospels, 1050-1065.


lindisfarne gospels
Liber vitae


Psalter, Mid-late 11th cent.
(Backhouse, pl. 67)

"There is illumination of two dates in the manuscript. Original work [mid-11th cent.]includes drawings of the signs of the zodiac...and a full-page Crucifixion in tinted outline. This shows a very posed style of Anglo-Saxon drawing, in which pattern has taken the place of invention." >Backhouse, p. 83)


The New Minster Charter, 966
(Backhouse, pl. iv)

"The new regime [to change the New Minster, Westminster, into a Benedictine monastery] was solemnly confirmed by this document, dated 966, the form of a book, in the king's name, and witnessed by the leading personages of Church and State, including the queen, Ælftheryth, the king's grandmother, Eadgifu--the widow of Edward the Elder--Dunstan, Æthelwold, and Oswald. The Charter is preceded by a full-page miniature showing [King] Edgar between the Virgin Mary and St. Peter, offering the codex containing the Charter to Christ."


Book of Mulling Saint John Evangelist,
late 7th Century, Fol. 193,


Echternach Codex Aureus
Saint Matthew the Evangelist


Bible of S Paolo fuori le Mura, Rome about 870 AD
Frontispiece to Revelation


Vivian Bible
Frontispiece to Gospels: Christ in Majesty

The First Bible of Charles the Bald (Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale, MS lat. 1) is a lavishly illuminated 9th century manuscript Bible commissioned by Count Vivien, the lay abbot of St. Martin at Tours, and presented to Charles the Bald in 846 on a visit to the church. It is also known as the Count Vivian Bible or the Vivian Bible. It is 495 mm by 345 mm and has 423 vellum folios


Rossano Gospels, at Rossano
S Mark


image from a manuscript in the British Library. St. Benedict giving his Holy Rule to the monastics of the West.

Christ en majesté, Sacramentaire de Pons, 12ème siècle


Gospels of Matilda
Italy, Polirone, between 1075 and 1099

A Greek copy of the Four Gospels written in Constantinople in the tenth century, showing typical Byzantine Evangelist portraits painted on a gold background. 

L'Ascension, Codex 376, Sankt Gallen
enluminure pleine page, 10ème s (?)


Incipit de l'Évangile selon saint Luc, codex Usserianus Primus, Irlande, vers 625

L'Evangeliario di Echternach, è un libro miniato dell'VIII secolo, proveniente dalla biblioteca dell'abazia lussemburghese di Echternach e ora conservato alla Bibliothèque nationale de France (ms. Latin 9389), realizzato da un unico scriba.

Nella pagine i simboli degli evangelisti, come il Leone di san Marco, probabilmente realizzati nelle isole britanniche alla fine del VI secolo e successivamente inviati a san Willibrord, fondatore dell’abbazia di Echternach, sono resi con astratta stilizzazione, probabilmente derivati dalla coesa arte orafa.


Stannheim Missal


Le Christ entouré des 4 Évangélistes, Livre de Kells (Bible du 8ème siècle) 

Sacramentaire Gélasien dit de Gellone
Lettre : T
Enluminure sur parchemin. Diocèse de Meaux, vers 790-795


The New Minster Charter, 966
(Backhouse, pl. iv)

"The new regime [to change the New Minster, Westminster, into a Benedictine monastery] was solemnly confirmed by this document, dated 966, the form of a book, in the king's name, and witnessed by the leading personages of Church and State, including the queen, Ælftheryth, the king's grandmother, Eadgifu--the widow of Edward the Elder--Dunstan, Æthelwold, and Oswald. The Charter is preceded by a full-page miniature showing [King] Edgar between the Virgin Mary and St. Peter, offering the codex containing the Charter to Christ."

Psautier Hunterian, université de Glasgow


Pentecôte, effusion de l'Esprit sur les Apôtres
Psautier Hunterian, univeristé de Glasgow


La Nuova Gerusalemme, miniatura (XI sec.), Biblioteca Nazionale di Madrid. 


Lazare et le riche, enluminure du Codex Aureus d'Echternach

Au dessus: le riche festoie, pendant que Lazare mendie à sa porte
Au milieu: l'âme de Lazare est emportée par 2 Anges au Paradis; Lazare est dans le sein d'Abraham.
En bas : l'âme du riche est emportée par 2 diables vers l'Hadès; il est torturé dans l'Hadès.
Codex Aureus Epternacensis, Folio 78 recto, vers 1035-1040, 30,9 × 22,4 cm
école de Reichenau, sous l'abbatiat d'Humbert d'Echternach (1028-1051)


Martyr de Saint Jean-Baptiste
fresque du cloître du monastère du Mont Sainte Odile (Alsace)
d'après un manuscrit local du 12ième siècle (Hortus Deliciarum


Nativité de la Vierge
Besançon - BM - ms. 0550, folio 054v
enluminure d'Herman de Valenciennes, fin 14ème s.



Gospels of Henry the Lion
Wolfenbuttel Cod.Guelf. 105
fol 171v
coronation 261


La presentazione di Gesù al Tempio, miniatura Ottoniana, 1030 ca.


Cristo raffigurato come guerriero trionfa sul Serpente (miniatura della fine del X secolo) 


Un diacono canta l'Exultet, in una miniatura dell'XI secolo. 


Pierre tiré des eaux
évangéliaire de Saint-Bertin
Flandres, anno 1200


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