Image: The Four Living Creatures, Metropolitan Museum
الكائنات الأربعة غير المتجسدة، متحف المتروبوليتان
The painting of the Metropolitan museum: an ivory cross with the four creatures resembling a lamb, a lion, a human, and an eagle at its four ends.
لوحة متحف المتروبوليتان: صليب من العاج وفى أركانه الأربعة الكائنات الأربعة بالوجوه الأربعة بشبه الكبش والأسد والإنسان والنسر.
nel calendario copto- ritengo per come lo capisco io - dal sito
The Third Day of the Blessed Month of Babah
1. The Departure of St. Simon II, 51st Pope of the See of St. Mark.
2. The Martyrdom of St. John the Soldier.
Prayer to the holy martyr John the soldier
O mighty intercessor and saint of Christ, John the warrior! Have mercy upon thy servant who suffers misfortunes, affliction, and all manner of adversity. Save him from all evil and protect him from offenders, for thou hast been granted such grace from God. Amen.
interessante e significativo che i cristiani ortodossi copti di Francia (The French Coptic Orthodox Eparchy, one of the dioceses of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria, was canonically instituted by His Holiness Abba SHENUDA III, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of Saint Mark's Predication, on June 2, 1974 - Whitsunday.) inseriscano anche come 11 Febbraio
Saint Volusien, évêque de Tours, martyr (498)
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